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Dark Souls 2 11.03.2014

Странное поведение тёмного духа

Вторгся тёмный дух в локации Огненная башня Хейда. Драться не стал. Преподнёс 40000 душ, семена дерева гигантов. Я добро халявное прибрала. Позвал за собой. Побежали (но не в сторону босса). По пути меня хлопнули. Думаю вот - чего он хотел... Может, кто знает.

Комментарии: 16
Ваш комментарий

А я вообще на читера нарвался. Какой то добрый оказался. От 99 камней самоцветов до 99 человечности отдал.


Глупости не пиши. За читереное оружие на банят.


Наверно подружиться с тобой хотел.


Бывают добрые люди).Был момент когда мне на начале просто так отдал один парень,рапирку на 10, 300 самоцветов,и душ на 15 лямов.В pvp тоже.


Проникновение человечности в злобный мир нежити Dark Souls)))


Это как же по-твоему можно сделать?


Легко!!!!Читер может начитерить кольцо на невидемое оружие и скинет вам,вы подберете и бац вы в бане


Цитата из соседней темы:
"ибо я был туп и взял гребанную вещь +10 на арене,"


Елена Dflbvjdyf
ахтунг!!!! в namco bandai есть предупреждение,"НЕ ПРИНИМАЙТЕ КОНФЕТКИ ОТ НЕЗНАКОМЫХ ЛЮДЕЙ" ну как то так короче,схлопочете бан!


а мне не темный а призывной кольцо гигантов кинул +2 перед нашандрой)


Dark Souls II - Is my account blocked/banned from using the Dark Souls II Servers?
Posted by chaos @BNGA on 03 April 2014 11:14 AM

The Dark Souls II server team has been going through the servers and monitoring players to determine if they have violated the End User License Agreement. Players who use external save data, hacks, mods, or any other cheats/exploits are in violation of the EULA and your account may have restrictions/limitations placed on it if your profile/account is found to be using them. Please note that restrictions/limitations are not the same as a ban (as you will still be able to play online, but with limited online experiences).

Additionally, if a player is having issues with disconnections (whether intentional or not) while in "online mode" limitations on their online experience may be temporarily imposed in order to keep the online experience stable for the rest of the online community. Normally, after some time of playing the game online (with a stable connection) any such temporary (soft ban) issues like this should correct themselves (unless they are so severe that a Bone of Order is required). Continued disconnections after using the "Bone of Order" may result in further restrictions/limitations placed on the account/profile but would not be permanent (as other direct violations of the EULA for mods, hacks, cheats, etc. would be).

*Please note that a notice to the player (for any violations against the EULA) is NOT required and is at the sole discretion of the Dark Souls II server Team.

If you believe that you have had restrictions/limitations placed on your account/profile by the Dark Souls II server team and would like more information, please send an email to our support mailbox along with your gamertag/profile name (for Steam we will require the URL link to your profile), and the system you are playing the game on.

Please also note that if you are having trouble summoning/invading and are still able to sign on to the Dark Souls II servers you may want to check our article for Summonings/Invasions as there may be other reasons why this is occurring.


It has come to our attention that some players may be receiving items/weapons/equipment from players that are hacking/modding and that the items dropped could be modified/hacked versions of a weapon/item/equipment that could potentially cause the Dark Souls 2 server team to flag your account as violating the EULA (it turns out that the Dark Souls II server team is not placing restrictions/limitations due to such hacked/modded items, but will be monitoring any accounts found in possession of such items more closely for any other further violations of the EULA). Our recommendation would be to avoid picking up any items that other players drop for you unless you know/trust the person dropping them (or to remove any such items from your inventory, or simply deleting the character if you are unable to remove/discard them by normal means). Please note that as long as the weapon/item is not picked up and added to your inventory it will not be flagged by the Dark Souls 2 server team as a violation of the EULA (since you have not accepted the item into your character's inventory) and the item should disappear over time (or by reaching another playthrough).

PS: Don't take candy from strangers...
вот где постскриптум......


Откуда ж я знаю конфетка начитеренная или нет :(


согласен,тупизм,вот надо сюда спросить chaos @BNGA


Елена Dflbvjdyf


Ага, вот так скинут вам модифицированную пуху и окажетесь вы в бане...
