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Diablo 2 28.06.2000

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Ring 10 fcr 20+ fire res 20+ light res +
Mara 30
sc 11 lres+ hp
sc 11 fres+ hp
sc 11 cres+ hp
light sk + 5-6 str

40 nef
Light facet +5/-3
Eth ba 5 sock
Eth reaper 197/12
Spirit st 44@ 35 fcr 100 mana
ST 41@
ST 40@
Arkaine's Valor 2 sk 166 ed
Eth Templar Might
Poison facet 5/5 - gul
SS - gul
zak 183 ed - gul
eth ga 198 ed - ist
shako - ist
oculus - pul
elem sk - mal
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Комментарии: 25
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Гринааа Морнингстар
джах разменяю смотря какой % готов дать


Гринааа Морнингстар
о infi


есть два штуки. смогу добраться до компа после обеда только


Draconian - A Phantom Dissonance


The chorus of life has spoken;
past has the child of reason.
Fading through winters' lonely passage
We crawl at the feet of evolution

Some became kings and some became gods
and the rest just followed,
swallowed their freedom and joined the charade
We did not realize we all had lost,
we locked the door and hid our shame
in this environment of fear

A hopeless scenario of apathy unleashed,
a dreadful travesty captured and revealed...
Shown under a cloak of loud indifference,
where the human stain kisses the pestilence

Gather for life's final hour
Cold hands reaching for the fire

Some became wolves and some became sheep,
and eyes sown shut governed our frozen
perspective of the world
We did not realize we all had lost,
we locked the door and hid our shame
in this environment of fear

A phantom dissonance;
The quiet storm erupts the eminence...
of sickness born


Sоmberlain, розмовляеш англійською? як це перекласти: "in everyday life, there is more than meets the eye. to reach the depths of truth, we must drag the waters"? :-)


дак цэж вакально инструментально ансамбль "Дикая кошка" а текст твой из знаменитог шлягера "Дай воды мне напицца" !



Obsessed написал:
як це перекласти: "in everyday life, there is more than meets the eye. to reach the depths of truth, we must drag the waters"? :-)

в каждый день жизнь, здесь больше чем встречать глаз, достигнуть глубин правды, мы должны тянуть воду


wojok, тепер головне, щоб Сомбєрлеїн зацінив! ;D


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